Calls For Entry and Exhibition Guidelines

CFAL Exhibition Guidelines

 Active exhibitions:  entry form links at bottom of Guidelines

CFAL strives to provide a professional exhibition space and asks artists to present their artwork professionally as well.  The works conform to the following standards unless otherwise stated for a particular exhibition.  Artwork will not be installed if improperly presented or misrepresented. 

President will appoint a show committee and publicity chairperson for each exhibit.  Show committee will set time and place to receive artwork; install and label artwork; take exhibit down; and designate a time and place for retrieving artwork.  Show committee will designate person to be responsible for planning the reception if needed.  Publicity chairperson will create postcards if needed and notify newspaper, magazine, and television venues. 

·         Work must be fiber art. 

·         Work must be original in concept and design and be created by the artist.

·         Work should have the following on the non-viewing side:

o   Name

o   Contact information

o   Title of work

·         Work must be ready to install.  This includes hanging apparatus.

·         All work must be equipped for safe installation. 

·         All wall and suspended work must be equipped with secure wire hanging system or slat with holes or eyehooks. 

·         The artist is responsible for security for artwork, such as jewelry or very small pieces. 

·         Entry form must be turned in on date stated.

·         Artwork must be delivered on date indicated. 

·         Artists responsible for delivery of artwork.

·         Pedestals must be provided by artists.  If possible, CFAL would like black, square or rectangle pedestals. 

·         When exhibit ends, unless otherwise specified, artists will pick up artwork at a designated time.  Artwork must be picked up from show chairman within 30 days or funds provided for returning by mail.

·         Artwork will be handled with all possible care, but pieces submitted for exhibition are at the artist’s risk.  If insurance is desired, the artist must carry it. 

Entry form information and exhibit guidelines for Hidden Dreams (August 2017) is available here:

The hanging guidelines for for our venue Livingston Parish Arts Council can be found here:

Revised May 2016