Judy Momenzadeh displays her piece, Oaken Alligator, during Show and Tell at the January 27, 2019 meeting. Oaken Alligator has finally returned home after being a part of a Studio Art Quilt Associates traveling exhibit since 2017. The curators estimate more than 100,000 people viewed the exhibit all over the US. Original digital images printed on cotton fabric, acrylic paints, alcohol inks, free motion stitched and quilted, 35"h x 27.5"w.
Judy Momenzadeh had two entries in the digital category of A World Of Beauty exhibit at the Houston Quilt Festival 2016. Pirate's Alley received an honorable mention award (photo on Facebook page).
The exhibit, “Unexpected Color,” featured work by members of the River Community Church’s Creativity Group. Bebe Tulley's thread painting, "Hibiscus" was part of the exhibit. http://theadvocate.com/…/acadiana/13698996-123/arts-calendar
Jane Olson-Phillips is featured in the January 2016 issue of Country Roads magazine in the Cultural Life column in an article titled Tiny Treasures
Judy Momenzadeh's Where My Adventure Begins" was included in the Artful Adventure reader challenge in Quilting Arts Magazine, December 2015/January 2016 issue.
Judy Momemzadeh's “Grace Multiplied” was juried into “Sacred Threads” http://sacredthreadsquilts.com/default.htm, a fiber art exhibit in Herndon, Va. This is her third year participating in this exhibit. The quilt was also shown in the IQA Show www.quilts.org in Houston in 2014.
Michael Young's long-running Swamp exhibit for 2015 was featured
on Louisiana public television's art segment Art Rocks! http://www.lpb.org/index.php/programs/artrocks_epi_single/season_2_-_episode_210 and in the Advocate http://theadvocate.com/news/southside/11376619-123/from-panic-to-pieces-of.
Renee Hoeprich was featured on the local ABC affiliate WBRZ's segment 2Make A Difference for her project, Kids Draw for Kids: http://www.wbrz.com/videos/crafts-to-make-a-difference/.
Wendy L Starn's article, "Does Your Camera Quilt? was published in American Quilter magazine, January, 2014, p.88-89.
Judy Momenzadeh's "Water Under the Bridge" is on page 77 of Quilting Arts magazine, October/November 2013 issue. It was accepted for the article "Beautiful Passages" on pages 75-81.
Jane Olson-Phillips has been published in Belle Armoire, Art to Wear
Spring 2002 - Pg. 37
Nov/Dec. 2006 - Pg. 40
Sept/Oct 2007 - 52
Sept/Oct 2010 - Pg. 5
Winter 2012 -
Winter 2013 - Pg. 147
Belle Armoire Jewelry
Spring 2009 Pg. 111

Ilaine Hartman's royal wedding gown design was featured in the Times-Picayune:
Susan Broussard and Jane Olson-Phillips are featured in an article in the issue of Belle Armoire magazine.
Lucy Landry was featured in the current issue of 225 Magazine, which features a story and photos of Lucy’s amazing work.
Jane Olson-Phillips has 4 masks representing the 4 seasons published in the Feb. edition of Polymer Cafe magazine. They are made of polymer clay, shells, beads, deer horn and netting.
Wendy L Starn has a quilt on page 383 of 500 Art Quilts , newly published by Lark Books