The show includes recent work of the Contemporary Fiber Artists of Louisiana, and features a recent mask challenge.
Economy by Wendy L Starn
Dig by Melanie Borne
Portal by Susan Broussard
Arthur's Wood by Sally Gordon
Aftermath by Melanie Borne

Mask by Lisa Ducote

Silk Art Cloth by Mary Ingalls

Silk Art Cloth entitled
Primal by Rosemary Uchniat

Silk Art Cloth entitled
Fire on the Water by Mary Felder

Mask by Susan Broussard

Mask by Lucy Landry

Mask by Wendy L Starn

Mask by Wendy L Starn

Mask by Barbara Lankford
Camouflage mask by Mary Felder
Papilio Mennon F.Achates' by Michael Young
Quote by Georgia OKeeffe by Mary Ingalls
Gulf Fritillary Butterfly by Mary Felder
Diamonds and Rust by Sally Gordon
Global Warning by Wendy L Starn

Vicki Thompson

Vicki Thompson
Serendipity by Michael Young
Release by Nancy Hinds

Provision by Mary Ingalls
Yello Zeez by Mary Felder
Flowers by Vicki Thompson
Cornered! by Wendy L Starn

Also in foyer case: more nesting dolls, Copper Leaf by Wendy L Starn, necklaces by Jane Olson Phillips and 2 Celestial Dolls by Lucy Landry

Glass case in the foyer: It has nesting dolls,
Mermaid (doll) by Barbara Lankford,
In the Marsh by Sally Gordon , Crazy Quilted Pillow by Barbara Lankford, a mask by Barbara Skinner and a mask by Jane Olson Phillips
The Attendant by Michael Young

Leaves by Mary Ingalls
Leafing the Nest by Nancy Hinds
Ebb and Flow by Lisa Ducote
Spots and Dots by Lisa Ducote
All work on exhibit through September 28, 2010. Photos by Mary Felder.